Booties make most legs look fat. There, I said it. Contrary to almost every fashion magazine out there, I speak the truth. Unless you have a supermodel stick leg, booties will cut an unflattering block across your ankle, chopping up the leg line and making feet look oddly tiny sticking out of weird calves. That said, I still kind of lust after them, trying on pair after pair, cursing Nicholas Ghesquiere for helping to kickstart this trend a few seasons ago. The disappointing truth that the booties pretty much never work for me, along with the disturbing reintroduction of the shorty cowboy boot of Melrose past (you know, like
this?), has made me obsessed with finding the glorious perfect all-flattering bootie. Help, anyone?
I like the idea of either the top of the bootie scooping down to lengthen the legline, or ending tightly up higher above the ankle.
This one from Urban Outfitters is super cheap ($39.99 what?), but I dunno about that tongue...
We Who See Peeptoe Foldover Bootie - $39.99 (on sale)
And another from Urban I quite like, but think it may be a little too trendy to live beyond this season...
Sam Edelman Lombard Bootie - $124.99 (on sale)
Then there are these insane feathery pouf LD Tuttles - so hot, but again, flattering?
ld tuttle the pygmalion - down to $231 (from $578) at Oak
Or these insane Loeffler Randalls...
Loeffler Randall Cut Out Bootie - $576 at Otte (ouch)
Likes, dislikes?
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